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A Life of Fear Inspired by a 20-Something

I think we can all agree that people, in general, are frustrating!

They rarely do what they say they will do, they never really know how to express themselves clearly, there is always confusion as to what they really mean when they speak but… at the same time I love my relationships with people. They are inspiring, challenging, educational, eye opening, hilarious and satisfying at the same time.

A young lady, who I hope to become good friends with one day, recently inspired me. She said that she typically always "makes her next move in life based on fear.” Not the same fear of spiders or fear of heights… or maybe it is the same type of fear. She said that when something was presented to her that seemed intriguing and was followed by a huge rush of fear that was usually, God’s way of telling her “it is time to change, grow or take another next step.”

How inspiring is that!?! All of a sudden I started to review my own life. Had I missed any steps that I was meant to take because I was fearful? I’m pretty sure I have. I’m always in awe of such insightful statements that come out of people who are much younger than me. I think about myself right out of college and how frustrating life was trying to figure out what my next move was going to be and what my options actually were. There was no trust in fear, I ran from fear!

I’d like to describe this young lady who has kept her life in check by recognizing her fears and attacking them head on.

  • She stands taller than she is in inches.

  • She communicates her expectations of her commitments.

  • She values the opinions, fears, and views of others, although she is fearful of confrontation.

  • She is not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right for her.

  • She communicates with grace.

  • She is beautiful not only because of her looks but mainly because she is all of these other things.

Check yourself next time you are fearful.

Is that your next move?

Is God encouraging you to grow?

What is on the other side of that fear?

And would life really be that good anyway without fear?

I think it would be quite boring.

Allison Naseri -
Entrepreneur, Team Leader & Business Coach

I'm a mom, wife, business owner, volunteer, tap dancer who loves people and growing relationships

What am I reading?

It takes me a few weeks to finish a book because of "life" but this is what I'm currently reading.

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