7 ways of getting things done
Gosh, do we really have to get things done?
I think we are all accustomed to getting things done in a work environment... well, at least we know that we are expected to get things done or we will lose our jobs! Now, that's a motivator! What about when you work for yourself? What about on the weekends? What about those times when you're not in a structure environment? What's the motivation, what's the purpose?
If deep down inside you have no interested in getting things done, then DON'T READ THIS POST!
This is for those people who strive to be efficient, who want to be productive, who have a list of things they want to accomplish in their lives, who want to continually grow and better themselves, who strive to improve the lives of the people around them and just want to FIT.IT.ALL.IN to the best of their ability! #worklessplayhard
Download the printout and tape it to the wall behind your computer to remind you HOW to accomplish your goals.
1. The 4-minute rule - Just like your English teacher said when she was helping you write the end-of-year research paper, pre planning matters! Every Sunday night (or Monday morning) take 4 minutes to plan out your week. Write down, write down, write down what needs to be accomplished, what your goals are and a quick list of what is already on your calendar. About 4 minutes is all it should take to get an overview of what you want to accomplish. If you've got kids and a needy spouse, go into the bathroom with your notebook and calendar and turn on the water. No one will bother you and "BOOM", you've accomplished your 4-min pre planning session and it's not even Monday yet!
Another way to explain it is "plan tomorrow, today!" - Jim Rohn
2. Write it down - No matter how good your memory is, you must get in the habit of writing things down. It might not seem like a big deal in this context but creating this habit will serve you well in the future. Just like your exercise routine, it may take some time but it will be well worth your new habit. Diligently write down your weekly tasks and GOALS!
3. The 1.5 hour rule - Every morning spend the first 1.5 hours working on the items on your list to accomplish (assuming you already did #1 & 2 above). It's that simple. No email, no Facebook, no deleting unwanted emails just to clear your inbox. Just sit down at your desk and accomplish your list. If you have emails to write, consider writing them in a word processing application and then cut & paste to an email when you're done. You can use #4 to help you successfully survive the 1.5 hours!
4. Pomodoro Technique - Become a CPM (Certified Pomodoro Master)! If you haven't heard of this before it is geared toward your ADHD personality and yes... we all have a little bit of that in us. This method was brought to my attention by this guy who hypnotized me at a street fair in Hawaii of all places. I asked if he would hypnotize me into being more productive. While he was "applying his techniques" on me, he was telling my husband to download a Pomodoro app on my phone for when I snapped out of it. Hypnosis works!! The app magically appeared on my phone!!
Here is how it works, you set a timer for 25 min and you focus on completing one task. Then you get a 5 min break to do what you want (also timed on the timer) and then you start all over again. The goal is to take as many 25 min increments as necessary to complete the task but not to get distracted until that time is up. Then, <flight attendant voice> you are free to move about the cabin. Check out this video to become a Certified Pomodoro Master! http://pomodorotechnique.com/
5. Know yourself - Are you more alert in the AM or PM? Are you a morning person or an evening person? Schedule your mindless activities during your down time, such as laundry, dishes, exercise, catching up on that show you missed and grocery shopping... generally speaking any house work. Do not, do not, do not sacrifice your most productive hours on housework! It's not worth the trade off. If you can't focus because of clutter, go somewhere else to be productive and then come home and tackle your mindless tasks.
6. Eat the Frog - Do your most unpleasant task first. The day is only going to get better from here! I have heard this from multiple business coaches, entrepreneurs and thought leaders. Get uncomfortable and accomplish that task you've been anticipating. Wow! You will feel amazing the rest of the day. When your significant other asks you if you had a productive day (because they all do), you will confidently say 'YES' whether you accomplished anything else or not.
7. Just do it! There is no secret to getting things done, except knowing they need to get done and subsequently, getting them done! All of these ideas are just minutia if you don't actually have the goal of doing it. Tap into your subconscious and determine if you really do plan to "just do it" then use the above tasks to help you accomplish them efficiently. And if you're "just kidding yourself" then move on and get something else accomplished!!