Fill Your Calendar
The best way to coach yourself to success is to simply fill your calendar.
A wise network marketer once told me to never have just completed the last appointment on your calendar. There should always be at least one coming up in the future.
It's best to work backwards. Block out time slots on your calendar that you are available to work your business ahead of time and then set your goals to fill each slot.
Make your list, know what you will say and then hit the phones.
At the start of the month, those first time-slots might be used to make those initial calls to invite others. From there, focus on filling the rest of the time-slots with scheduled business presentations and then if nothing is scheduled use that time for follow ups as your business gets going. This basic system works really well at the beginning of a new year as well since many of us my have had a slower business period during the end of December.
A full calendar ensures your ongoing success. It ensures that you are always in building mode and adding new life to your growing business. And, it models success principles to your team as you coach them to do the same.
Remember - you have a solution that many out there need and want!
With gratitude,